Das Festival des therapeutischen Erzählens 2024 – Referentenvorstellung No. 12

📢 4. Festival des therapeutischen Erzählens

Das Festival findet am 📅 06.- 08. September 2024 im 📍 Gästehaus Marienau in Vallendar, bei Koblenz, statt.                     

📌 Referenten aus 10 Ländern und 3 Kontinenten

📌 Offene Bühne für Teilnehmende, die in Kurzvorträgen ihre Geschichten und Methoden beisteuern

📌 für Menschen in beratenden, erziehenden, gesundheitlichen und sozialen Berufen.

Ich habe euch Ende April bereits angekündigt, dass ich in den kommenden Wochen/ Monaten immer mittwochs abends einen Referenten des Festivals vorstellen werde.

Heute in der Vorstellungsreihe mit meiner geschätzen Kollegin

Kathleen Long (GB)

Kathleen Long, MBCHB; MPH; DRCOG; NLP Master Practitioner; Myers Briggs Level 1
British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis, UK (BSMDH).

Kathleen entered general practice in 1979 and worked full time as a GP for many years. She graduated from Glasgow University with MBChB, later obtaining an MPH. She is an NLP Master Practitioner and qualified in Myers Briggs Type indicator.

She was also the Primary Care adviser and Medical Director for Lanarkshire Health Board and initiated and developed many remodelling programs including those to close long residential facilities for patients with learning disabilities with successful transfer to the local community. She also developed the Braveheart initiative, working jointly with social work, in Lanarkshire during her time as medical director. She worked in television for 10 years doing the first live medical phone in on STV. She also have been a medical journalist and wrote extensively over 10 years for lay and medical publications. She has recently contributed to magazines on issues like body dysmorphia and the use of hypnosis for pain relief and self-esteem. She was asked to contribute to the Handbook of Hypnosis Techniques Vol 2 edited by Mark P Jensen, where she described Rapid Reversal Therapy: Looking for the Pearl. These techniques were developed during her years in General practice where she needed to work relatively quickly with patients who were often only there for 10-minute consultations. She has developed multiple courses for education, general practice and hospital staff dealing with many diverse subjects from communication to remodelling services within NHS. She was chair of one of the first patient Treatment Pathways for Breast cancer.

She is now retired from full time general practice but still am a sessional General Practitioner and Cosmetic Practitioner with a small private hypnosis practice in Glasgow.

She started using hypnosis in 1982 and she has been involved in teaching the course which she wrote for and is still in use by BSMDH.

She is currently the President of the European Hypnosis Society( ESH) 2020-2023 and has served on the ESH Board for over 10 years.

She has been President, Treasurer, Secretary and Academic Secretary of BSMDH-Scotland. She has also been responsible for running local conferences and the joint conference with BSCAH. She authored and also teach the BSMDH basic course.

She worked as the motivational coach to the Scottish National Netball team in European and World competitions. She used hypnosis to help mental focus and recovery from injury as well as to improve performance. She has run workshops on communication in education and in the health service and has given workshops/lectures on NLP/ communication in Scotland, Belgium, Sweden, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Luxembourg and England. She currently is co-chair of the Crisis intervention Committee providing support and training to the psychotherapeutic professionals in Ukraine to help support their work with refugees from the war in Ukraine.

Her hypnosis work is varied and she has worked with PTSD, OCD, Phobias and Stress. She use the ‘toolbox’ of skills she has learned and tailor them to the patient. In General Practice, where she has worked most, she look for therapy that can work quickly.

Am Festival selbst hält Long, Kathleen (GB) die folgenden Beiträge (Vortragssprache: Englisch):

Vortrag (45 min): How to utilise the dreams, ideas and life experience of clients*

How to utilise the dreams, ideas and life experience of clients to help them reach their objectives.

I will present cases using a simple advert technique where the patient makes a choice about their future based on their past experience and what they want for their future.

Workshop (90 min): Utilisation – using what the patient presents to you*

In my experience the patient always gives you the solution. You need to be in good rapport and pay attention very closely or you will miss it.

Für Fragen schickt mir bitte eine 📧 E-mail an ifte(at)hsb-westpfalz.de.

Für telefonische Rückfragen wendet euch bitte an mich unter 📞 0049-631-3702093 (Institut für Hypno-Systemische Beratung).


Euer Stefan