4. Festival des therapeutischen Erzählens
Das Festival findet am 06.- 08. September 2024 im Gästehaus Marienau in Vallendar, bei Koblenz, statt.
Referenten aus 10 Ländern und 3 Kontinenten
Offene Bühne für Teilnehmende, die in Kurzvorträgen ihre Geschichten und Methoden beisteuern
für Menschen in beratenden, erziehenden, gesundheitlichen und sozialen Berufen.
Ich habe euch Ende April bereits angekündigt, dass ich in den kommenden Wochen/ Monaten immer mittwochs abends einen Referenten des Festivals vorstellen werde.
Heute in der Vorstellungsreihe mit meinem geschätzten Kollegen
Laurence Sugarman (USA)
Laurence ist Kinderarzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Verhaltensmedizin, Direktor des Zentrums für Angewandte Psychophysiologie und Selbstregulation in Rochester, Professor der Hochschule für Gesundheitswissenschaften und -technologien in Rochester, Spezialisierungen für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Autismusspektrum-Störungen sowie mit Angststörungen, für Klinische Hypnose, Kinderhypnotherapie, Biofeedback- und Selbstregulationstechniken. Co-Direktor und Ausbilder des Nationalen Pädiatrischen Hypnose-Trainings-Instituts, langjähriger Präsident des American Board of Medical Hypnosis sowie Lehrer am Regionalzentrum für Kinder- und Jugendpsyhiatrie in Oslo.
Am Festival selbst hält Sugarman, Laurence (USA) die folgenden Beiträge:
Vortrag (60 min): Rewiring the Buttons. Hypnotic and narrative approaches for helping parents parse the parental paradox and even like their own behavior.
I often consider the mindset of parenting as a twenty-year-long trance experience, directed by the child. Certainly there is a kind of psychobiological plasticity (trance) that dominates, hence, the “trance of parenting.” This parenting trance is unique in that the focus of change is not self-directed, but projected onto one’s child. That is the paradox within this trance of attachment. The evolutionarily drive to protect our offspring increasingly conflicts with the child’s needs for autonomy and experiential learning. The more we protect, the more we impair. In this presentation, we will illustrate hypnotic interventions that help parents resolve this paradox in both their minds and parenting behaviors. A primary theme is that the child’s developmental challenges are best construed as incentives for optimizing and directing the development of the parent. In short, the best measure of parenting is not the behavior of the child, but that of the parent.
Vortrag (60 min): Focus on Diffabilities. Helping people with developmental differences help themselves by encouraging their super-powers
I have been learning a lot about the super-powers of people with different abilities. I integrate hypnotic methods into by therapeutic encounters with people in my care. Those methods evoke, cultivate, and direct their innate resources and talents toward increasing comfort, hope, and well-being. This process starts by exploring what those innate resources and talents are and how they are enacted. Among people with diffabilities, often the most impactful abilities are in how they navigate through and cope with the world of the normally-abled. This includes how they help themselves feel comfortable and competent while the rest of the world tends to focus on what they can’t do. I’m calling those abilities and resources their super-powers. In this presentation, we will dissect some examples of therapeutic interactions to demonstrate some of the ways that superpowers can be evoked and encouraged in a variety of people with diffabilities. Bring your experiences!
Workshop (90 min): Cultivating the Trance of the Encounter. Simple conversational skills and “word machines” that stimulate plasticity and inner searches for those in our care.
Hypnotic conversations are weird. They evoke dissociation, time distortion, and experiences of inner exploration and discovery. Beneath the conscious surface, these phenomena are manifestations of plasticity and the rearrangement of resources within the embodied mind. That plasticity is associated with significant and enduring changes in feelings, thoughts and behaviors. When directed towards improved well-being, hypnotic conversations are also weirdly therapeutic. How does one inspire a therapeutic and hypnotic conversation? In this workshop we will demonstrate, explore, share, and practice some simple skills and the overall structure of these conversations that make them trance-formative and effective. Join us for some weirdly exhilarating interactions.
Für Fragen schickt mir bitte eine E-mail an ifte(at)hsb-westpfalz.de.
Für telefonische Rückfragen wendet euch bitte an mich unter 0049-631-3702093 (Institut für Hypno-Systemische Beratung).
Euer Stefan